Menu undecided at this point. However, on Saturday (4/26), we are going to the recycle center, the Botanic Gardens and then to shop at Smart and Final where frozen chicken breasts are needed.
Saturday: Spaghetti and Meatballs with fresh spinach salad.
Sunday: Hula Chicken with roasted acorn squash and blended rice.
From the Chatroom:
09:58:06 Verna: rachel just made a stuffed chix w/hula bbq sauce on top
09:58:47 Verna: stuffed chix: ham and cheese cheddar
11:24:27 Bob: ok that chix thing rachael did does sound good
11:54:51 Bob: can we mod the recipe to not use a whole chicken?
11:51:25 Verna: good ha yep looked good
12:15:45 Verna: no the chix was cut pounded chix breast
12:15:56 Bob: ahhh ok
12:16:18 Verna: pounded out rolled up with ham and cheddar light dusting of flour and fried
12:16:03 Bob: then i’m in !!
12:16:45 Bob: damn that sounds pretty good
Spaghetti and Meatballs . . .
Ground turkey in the freezer.