Menu Thread for Mothers Day Weekend

Chatroom 05/06/2009:

15:48:04 Bob: what's for food this mothers day weekend?
15:49:14 Verna: dunno what sounds good
15:49:29 Verna: lemon chicken over rice?
15:49:47 Bob: lemon chix sounds good
15:50:10 Verna: chix padulese
15:50:26 Bob: ahhh i love that
15:51:03 Verna: both easy and fast
15:51:19 Verna: thats chix chix
15:51:43 Bob: we have lots of chix
15:52:08 Verna: ok good for me easy
15:52:32 Bob: yep sounds good

Saturday: Lemon Chicken and stir-fry veggies over sticky rice.


Mothers Day: Chicken alle Padulese with Marinara and Pasta. YUM!

