March 13, 2009

Menu Thread for Week Ending 03/20/2009

First day of Spring weekend!

From the chatroom 03/19/2009:

10:44:10 Verna: remember that T bone from last week?
10:44:17 Bob: yes
10:44:23 Bob: the thick one
10:44:34 Verna: how about BBQ T bone and mac and cheese and maybe a salad
10:44:51 Bob: yum
10:59:29 Verna: and the next day well have some kinda hearty soup (rain)
10:59:51 Bob: OK sounds like a plan
11:11:25 Bob: split pea and andouille soup
11:12:09 Bob: puckernickel bread
11:13:07 Verna: OK works for me

Saturday: Here’s the steak on the BBQ. We had it with the Mac and Cheese plus a zucchini tomato dish.


Sunday: Baked potato soup (no photo available).